How to make Land Certificate In Cameroon.

How to make Land Certificate In Cameroon.

 Obtaining a land certificate in Cameroon involves a detailed legal and administrative process to ensure the ownership and rights to a piece of land are formally recognized. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to make a land certificate in Cameroon:

1. Preliminary Steps

a. Land Identification and Acquisition

  • Identification: Identify the land you wish to acquire. Ensure the land is not under dispute and gather all necessary information about it. Beware of double selling of land and current government  injunction orders as a result of local land dispute.  
  • Acquisition: If purchasing, enter into a sale agreement with the current owner. Ensure the agreement is witnessed and documented.

b. Land Demarcation

  • Surveyor Engagement: Engage a licensed land surveyor to demarcate and map the land. The surveyor will prepare a survey plan which delineates the boundaries of the land.
How to make Land Certificate In Cameroon.

2. Application Process

a. Prepare Application Documents

  • Application Letter: Write an application letter addressed to the Divisional Officer (DO) of the area where the land is situated.
  • Survey Plan: Include the survey plan prepared by the licensed surveyor.
  • Proof of Ownership: Provide documents such as the sale agreement or any other document proving your ownership or interest in the land.

b. Submission to the DO

  • Submit Application: Submit the application letter and supporting documents to the DO of the locality. Ensure you receive an acknowledgment receipt for your submission.

3. Public Notice and Objections

a. Public Notification

  • Notice Issuance: The DO issues a public notice regarding the application. This notice is typically posted on the land in question and at the Divisional Office to inform the public.
  • Objection Period: There is a statutory period (often 30 days) during which any objections to the application can be lodged.

4. Site Visit and Verification

a. Land Consultative Board

  • Board Composition: The DO convenes the Land Consultative Board (LCB), which includes local authorities and other relevant stakeholders.
  • Site Visit: The LCB conducts a site visit to verify the details provided in the application and the survey plan. They ensure there are no disputes and that the land boundaries are clear.

b. Report Preparation

  • LCB Report: After the site visit, the LCB prepares a report confirming their findings and recommendations.

5. Approval and Issuance

a. Forwarding to the Land Registry

  • Submission of LCB Report: The DO forwards the LCB report, along with the application documents, to the Land Registry (often part of the Ministry of State Property, Surveys, and Land Tenure).

b. Processing at the Land Registry

  • Verification: The Land Registry verifies the documents and ensures all procedures have been followed.
  • Issuance of Land Certificate: Once satisfied, the Land Registry issues the land certificate in the name of the applicant.

6. Collection of Land Certificate

a. Notification

  • Notification of Issuance: The applicant is notified once the land certificate is ready for collection.

b. Collection

  • Collect Certificate: The applicant collects the land certificate from the Land Registry office. Ensure to bring identification and any required documents for verification
How to make Land Certificate In Cameroon.

Important Notes

  • Costs: There are various fees involved at different stages of the process, including survey fees, application fees, and issuance fees.
  • Legal Assistance: It is advisable to engage a legal practitioner to assist with the process, especially to handle any legal issues that may arise.
  • Time Frame: The entire process can take several months, depending on the complexity of the case and the efficiency of the involved offices.

By following these steps, you can ensure that the process of obtaining a land certificate in Cameroon is completed correctly and legally. To obtain a land certificate in Cameroon, you must be at least 40 years old to be eligible to apply. if you are not up to 40, you can apply under your parents if the are 40 years old and above.  

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